Cooke family photo

Hi, We're the Cooke family. You've probably seen us around the campus from time to time. Sean's been going to Abiding Savior since kindergarten and this is Tyler's 3rd year. Sean is in Mrs. Hebel's class and Tyler is in Miss Gast's class. I'm usually taking photos of our boys at each of the school's special activities and this past week's special event was the production of "Down by the creek bank". I decided to take pictures of as many different students as I could so I ended up with more than 490 photos. If there are any "keepers" you'd like to have just send me an email with the photo number and I'll gladly send you the file.

Click here to see Down by the Creek Bank photos.

This is completely free and with no strings attached. This is just something I want to do to "give back" to our wonderful school.


Richard, Diane, Sean and Tyler Cooke